Debbie McGriff

Deb​bie K. McGriff

Senior Vice President and CFO Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
Engineered Systems Segment

McGriff has over 35 years of experience in accounting, government contracting, business administration, financial management, financial systems, contract analysis, and process improvement. She is responsible for the financial strategy and business planning for multiple business units within Teledyne Brown Engineering, in addition to 3 sister companies that fall within the Corporation’s Engineered Systems Segment.

During her tenure at Teledyne, McGriff has provided valuable contributions within the Finance and Business organizations. She possesses expert knowledge in accounting, finance, government and accounting regulatory compliance, contract analysis, and business software platforms. She is a subject matter expert in the requirements for compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARs), and the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS). McGriff has in-depth knowledge of U.S. Government agency audit requirements, indirect rate structures, Disclosure Statement requirements, forecasting and planning processes, and contract reporting and analysis.

Since joining Teledyne Brown in 1983, McGriff has held positions of increasing responsibility that include Controller, Director of Financial Analysis, Senior Director of Finance, Vice President of Finance, and Vice President & CFO for Teledyne Technologies' Engineered Systems Segment. She is known for working cooperatively across organizational lines to effectively solve problems within numerous Teledyne Technologies organizations, and she has also been a major contributor to various system implementations across the Teledyne Corporation.

McGriff earned a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAHuntsville) and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of North Alabama. McGriff has also earned an Advanced and a Basic Contract Management Certificate from UAHuntsville. She holds a Certificate in Leadership for Extraordinary Performance from the Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia.

McGriff has been the recipient of the President’s Coin Award on several occasions. She has participated as a member of the Women in Defense organization and served as a community volunteer. She is an active member in her church teaching elementary age girls to help others through missions and homebound ministries.

Updated: Tue, November 19, 2019​​